Why Do This
To enjoy the company of other creative people for a bit of time every week AND to give yourself the gift of time set aside to help you accomplish your creative goals.
The Format
Every Friday (1:00 - 3:00pm Chicago time) we log in on Zoom and bear witness to each other's commitment to working on a project for the allotted time. We do a quick check in with each person, then mics off for the next 2 hours, then a quick check out. By our presence alone we inspire each other to keep at least one weekly appointment dedicated to just our own intentions.
Our regulars have accomplished so much over the past 3 years including publishing books, finishing a body of work, learning new skills or simply keeping their creative juices flowing.
Sometimes people show up and work on something completely unrelated to a larger goal. The point isn’t to always be working on something amazing, but to keep a time open just for your creativity. In the presence of others with a similar goal. THAT is the alchemy of this type of thing.
Our optional check ins will focus on what we hope to accomplish and any information about our projects and process that feel relevant.
We save politics and similar topics for other forums.
Quiet Time Together
In open studios out in the physical world, of course, artists can chat with each other. And in some situations it can be quite a social gathering. But the idea of keeping mostly quiet durings these sessions leads to better personal productivity on the things we’re working on. After all, Zoom can allow for side text chats between participants so we can each reach out to each other during any session. And of course we’ll have cross chat during the beginning and closing of each session.
Nope, There's no charge.
Meeting Time
Fridays at 1:00-3:00pm CST on Zoom
Contact me for login info
The Promise
The space is open every Friday and someone is present for the entire time - usually 5-6 people. We check in and check out - in between, unless it's a special event, our mics are OFF. You DO NOT have to show up every week. Your membership is live (and free) until you ask to be removed From the mailing list. You get a weekly login email - nothing more. You can join the optional Facebook group for staying in touch - only if you want to.
Your Goal
Your Goal should be to attend as many Fridays per month as you can and avoid using lame excuses to not be present. And even if you have a really great reason why you can’t attend the live session then to promise yourself to put 1-1/2 hour towards your project before we meet again.
I encourage you to invite friends too!