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  • Writer's picturemarti mcginnis

Minimal Shopping Resources

Updated: Apr 11, 2023

Welcome to the post that links you to a wealth of additional information about some of the topics raised in my recent graphic novel on #minimalshopping.

19 Background

The backlash or misunderstanding of Marie kendo’s premise:

The point isn’t “do you have too much stuff”, rather it is ‘does what you have spark joy”! In these cases I think we all agree that YES it does!

The cases being homes stuffed with colorful flotsam

More confusions

A friend of mine wondered if she should tell me my comic was pissing her off. She was disgusted by my not shopping project as being irresponsible. She had a point, but she wasn't aware of my bigger picture! This lead to my adding a section clarifying the project towards the front of the book.

This isn’t about no shopping so much as it’s become more about mindfully shopping

Supporting individuals and small groups who make or provide things and services close to home or with ethics and focal points that align with your personal ethics

  • It’s about researching where the stuff you buy comes from, how it gets made, who benefits from the sales.

  • It’s about asking questions. Doing research.

  • It’s about mindful consuming.

  • It’s about cutting back on unfulfilling even harmful consumption and becoming more involved in supporting efforts that do things like

  • Pay living wages

  • Treat workers well

  • Treat the environment well

  • Are positive participants in the marketplace, the community and beyond

  • Seek to be responsible global players


Boomers bad choices


Page 33 Use, Re-use, Repair, etc.

Buy nothing day


Making do


56 Fast Fashion

These were some of the fast fashion fly by night sites that were in action when I drew the pages that covered this topic. Many are since defunct or renamed.

  • Hong Kong fashion







Great blog post comparing the sites shopped from with sales photos and pix of actual purchases:


77 Marie Kondo

Marie's website:

She says: "As a young girl fascinated with tidying, I thought the goal was to get rid of as many things as possible. This single-minded focus on discarding had a negative impact on my health – one day I actually fainted from all the stress!

Coming to, I had an aha moment: Tidying is about what you want to keep in your life, not what you want to eliminate.This epiphany inspired what is the bedrock of the KonMari Method™ – choosing to keep what sparks joy.|


91 Deep Seated Shopping Impulses

Affluenza symptoms

Affluenza was a hot topic a couple of decades ago when boomers started noticing that their materialistic ways weren't fulfilling their dreams.

  • Inability to delay gratification or tolerate frustration

  • Difficulty maintaining interest in anything requiring effort

  • False sense of entitlement

  • Expectation of material goods without responsibility

  • Loss of future motivation

  • Life activities don’t seem very real and nothing matters much

  • Low self esteem, self worth, and loss of self confidence

  • Approval dependent on possessions and status rather than on personal values

  • Preoccupation with externals and habituation for more material goods

  • Difficulty believing people like them for themselves rather than for possessions and statusInability to trust prevents true friendships

  • Emotional energy becomes invested in material gains and sensitivity toward others declines

How to move past the impulse to buy buy buy!

Desire is an unwritten contract you make with yourself that keeps you dissatisfied until you get the thing.


95 The History of Shopping

Retail Therapy

Why we shop

Is Happiness Having What You Want, Wanting What You Have, or Both?, Jeff T. Larsen and Amie R. McKibban, Psychological Science, Volume 19, Number 4, 2008

Why We Really Shop

Psychology Today


What Causes an Addiction to Shopping?

According to Ruth Engs from Indiana University, some people develop shopping addictions because they essentially get addicted to how their brain feels while shopping. As they shop, their brain releases endorphins and dopamine, and over time, these feelings become addictive. A professor in applied health sciences, Engs claims that 10 to 15 percent of the population may be predisposed to these feelings.


105 Astounding Stats

Minimalism and Clutter

Eye opening clutter stats

The Story of Stuff


Keep everything


121 The Capsule Wardrobe!

Capsule wardrobe suppliers

Ethical fashion suppliers

List ethical capsule wardrobe providers

Link to how to build a capsule wardrobe article: Build it over a year

Great Pinterest board

Super sample assembly

Project 333

20 ways to tie a scarf video

(Mentioned in panel 65)

Clothing rotation


Super great article on why and how to create your own ‘capsule wardrobe”


eco conscious athletic wear list

Franchise capsule wardrobe lots of pix and links

What happened when I stopped buying cheap


135 Social Media's Impact on Shopping and Consuming

Negativity bias

The Business Journal's Article on average ads seen per day

Instagram realities


156 - Set Back

167 Goals

Goals and motivation

Expectancy Theory

Replace Setbacks with Pursuit of Happiness


177 Shopping & Wealth Perceptions

Are YOU Rich?

wealth comparisons

USA median and average

Compare using your own info


186 Cosplay

Panel 110 or so


193 A Wealth of Gratitude

31 Benefits of gratitude


197 NO-wnership

Experiences over stuff

Great article on why

Millennials and NOwnership

A staggering 74 percent of Americans prioritize experiences over products. The focus on experiences is closely related to the growth of the sharing and experience economy.

But today it’s a different story. Firstly, let's establish that both millennials and every other generation are opting out of accumulating stuff and exploring experiences instead. People young and old are opting for experiences over things. These markers of success are no longer as meaningful as they once were.

As kids millennials saw their parents' lives crumble as a result of the financial meltdown, and watched as their parents lost their life savings to the banks and Madoff’s Ponzi scheme. Now the new normal is to see people in their 70s working at grocery stores when they should be retired. People have become increasingly disillusioned with the status quo.

As a result of changing times, millennials want to seize the moment, and they are skipping the mall for carpe diem. People want to experience all that life has to offer, and since acquiring things no longer dictates your class or status in life, millennials are simply enjoying experiences over things, access over ownership.

Many millennials opt to live in cities and rent rather than buy a home in the suburbs, and they don’t feel limited by this life choice, but rather freed by it. My fellow millennial women are waiting to have children. In fact the average age mother of first time moms in San Francisco where I live is 32.9 for (married women with a college degree).

Access over ownership, and living life on their terms are trends not going away for millennials.

Instead of playing board games at home, people now go to escape rooms. The typical bar experience has been replaced by organized bar crawls, scavenger hunts and distillery tours. Even running has turned into an experience with the growth of novelty races, including 5Ks with bubbles, beer and rock bands. It’s all about having a unique experience and being able to share it with others.

Why do millennials value experiences over things? Because it makes them happy. And they aren’t wrong—studies have found that spending money on experiences brings more lasting joy than spending money on things. Experiences are also more shareable, which is important to younger generations. It’s easier and more effective to share pictures and stories from a hike or cooking class than it is to show pictures of a new TV you just bought.


New Experiences Samples


209 Case Studies

Talk with Carol S.


She sent this link, too:


More info on Travel experiences over purchasing things

Thomas Gilovich, a psychology professor at the university, has revealed that people experience the same amount of happiness when making a purchase they want and when they travel. And here’s the important bit, while the happiness you derive from a purchase reduces over time, the memories of your traveling experience still supply you with happiness hormones for a long time. 

As Dr. Gilovich says, your experience is a bigger part of yourself than your material goods. You may actually like your purchases and you may even go to the extent of thinking that a part of you is connected to that stuff; however, they are separate from your identity. On the other hand, your travel experiences are part of who you are.

Your richest and most cherished memories aren’t from the material goods you’ve bought. Rather, they’re a total sum of the life experiences you’ve had.

The experiences you purchase, on the other hand, are temporary. A day trip to the local museum. An hour-long painting session. A month-long tour of Asia. All of these activities eventually come to an end.

The fact that they don’t last is maybe one of the greatest advantages they have over material objects. Experiences are outside your regular routine, so you savor them while they last. Objects last past that initial point of excitement, which makes them lose their luster over time.

Dr. Gilovich explains that our experiences form a larger part of ourselves than the objects we own. So no matter how much you love your shiny new car or your spacious house, they still remain separate from you. Rock-climbing in New Zealand and snorkeling in the Caribbean, however, are experiences that shape who you are. They become part of your identity.

Things, on the other hand, are predictable. They’re safe. They’ll give you an outcome you expect. And for this reason, many people choose possessions over new experiences — despite what they could potentially gain otherwise.

Robert Waldinger, head of a 80-year old research at Harvard University knows much about happiness. The results from one study revealed that individuals who most connected to their family, friends, community, and other people were the healthiest and happiest.

In light of that, Waldinger says that you need to deepen your relationships by doing new things together with the people in your life. He goes on to explain that experiences connect you to others in a way that material things can’t. To Waldinger, some of the most important experiences in his life are travel. Traveling, he reveals, brought him closer to his family.  

Home swap info

A new crop of home-swapping companies is here. Sites like Love Home Swap, Knok, and CasaHop are quickly shaking up the home-swapping scene, providing new alternatives to established exchange sites like HomeLink, HomeExchange, and Intervac,

216 Experiential malls


219 Ace Backwards


223 Lauren Leonardi

Lauren's book project:

How to Know if You're Buying From an Ethical Clothing Company

Look For The Company’s “Impact Report”

The first place to start when determining if your clothing was made ethically or not is simply to ask. Send an email or a direct message on social media asking about the specific standards the company has in regards to worker wages, working conditions, and health standards. Look for their transparency on product creation and sourcing, and seek out the company’s social impact report.

Generally speaking the more transparent and aware a company is about their production process, the more likely they are to actually be producing clothing in an ethical fashion


Choose Smaller Companies Who Know Their Garment Workers By Name

This is one of my favorite ways to ensure that you are really purchasing clothing that is supporting companies that put their garment workers first. While smaller companies are often going to be more expensive (their margins will be much lower than larger brands) they often will be directly involved in every aspect of the production process and will know the NAMES and family members of the people making your clothing.

When you support a small-ethical business you really are supporting a community and it doesn’t get much better than that.

Abrazos is THE perfect example!

Great list of ethical brands in this article


243 A No-Shopping Exception

What is a Cabalgata? It is a pilgrimage on horseback to a sacred place. Often there is a mounted mass for the pilgrims and their horses. Below is a video I made of such an event in the town where I live. Maybe next time I can assemble a video of my next cabalgata to San Martin


251 The Gift Dilemma

Holiday Gifts, Etc.

Christmas waste

History of gift giving


Destined for landfill - Gag gifts

Gift cards info


267 Hoarding etc...

Swedish Death Cleaning




Sussing Out A Company's Real Ethics



Most wasteful companies

Coca-ColaPepsiCoNestlé - brands listed

Danone - brands listed

Mondelez International - formerly Kraft - Mondelez International's portfolio includes several billion-dollar brands such as Belvita, Chips Ahoy!, Nabisco, Oreo, Ritz, TUC, Triscuit, LU, Club Social, Barny and Peek Freans (cookies and crackers); Milka, Côte d'Or, Toblerone, Cadbury, Green & Black's, Freia, Marabou, Fry's, Lacta (chocolate), Trident, Dentyne, Chiclets, Halls, Stride (gum and cough drops), Tate's Bake Shop and Tang (powdered beverages).

Procter & Gamble - brands listed - brands listed van Melle - Mentis etc - brands listed IncorporatedColgate-Palmolive

Container recycling info

Each day in the US more than 60 million plastic water bottles are thrown away. Most end up in landfills or incinerators, and millions litter America’s streets, parks and waterways.

How can America be spurred on to recycle more?


Ups info




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