Learn Procreate with Marti
Learn Procreate with Marti
Wednesdays 10am cdt
August (5, 12, 19 & 26) 2020
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Online via Zoom.
4 sessions
(also recorded for those who can't make a live event)
You will learn how to use this super powerful application to enhance your own world of art, opening whole new vistas of creativity! This is not hyperbole. Nope.
Procreate is like having an entire studio chockfull of a never ending supply of drawing, painting and collage materials that can go with you anywhere! I'm looking at YOU plein air practitioners, sketchers, watercolorists, oil painters, collagers and cartoonists - and all the others I neglected to mention in my haste to get this info to you...
Oh yes, I am a BIG HUGE fan of this set up!
Let me teach you the joys of Procreate.
Samples of art made with this set up...
I love using my iPad Pro, Apple Pencil and Procreate to create stuff like the images shown below. (click to initiate slideshow)
This is a slide show.......it's loading!
Procreate is a super powerful app for ios notepads that have the ability to interact with a drawing tool.
Whenever I'm out sketching, or sitting in a coffee shop drawing, people stop and ask me what I'm using and how it works. Well I'm happy to share what I have learned in a brand new online class.
Students will need:
iPad Pro or notepad with ios
Apple Pencil or compatible pencil, stylus or drawing device
Procreate installed - from the App Store check it out here. Dudes, it's just $9.99US! It's one of THE best bargains on the planet. Not hyperbole.
High speed internet
Students should also:
feel familiar with their iPad - you know, be able to open the app and follow walk-through instructions
be comfortable drawing, sketching or otherwise making marks on paper (which in this case will be a screen)
and have a small (or large) library of photos ready to work with for the collage section of the class
I will share:
Opening a pre-sized canvas
Creating (and saving) a custom sized canvas
Setting the background
Discussions on the value of developing a habit using Layers
Application of color to line drawings
Deeper in
Preloaded Brushes - size, strength, type
how and why to import brushes
adjusting, editing, moving and flattening layers
export image - the various choices
Using the time lapse replay
Useful Layer Options
Types of images to export and why
Organizing Brushes
Further explorations
Organizing projects and pieces
Common Techniques
Shading with Brushes
Importing photos
Using the Clone tool
Using layers to create a finished single color line drawing
Creating a multilayered photo collage
Specialty brushes
Finishes and textures
How to use some of your digitally created pieces
How to save for web use
How to save for print-on-demand companies, and why
I will cover the basics so students have a deeper understanding of the adaptability of these amazing and powerful tools! Then we'll go deeper in and learn some tips and tricks that bring even more power to this already amazing tool!
I’ll demonstrate how to use some of the output - i.e. some of the things you can do with digital art. Oh yes you can design your own posters, fabrics, wearables and more!
I’ll do live demos of every topic I cover.
There will some shared creative screen time on calls too. And I will be happy to walk you through answers to your questions! Guys, this course is designed to bring you up to speed in a short amount of time. And I want you to walk away with the knowledge you crave!
We’ll have an online forum or Facebook page or similar where students can post progress, make constructive comments on each other’s work, pose questions and share resources.
You will learn how to use this super powerful application to enhance your own world of art opening whole new vistas of creativity! This is not hyperbole.
Procreate is like having an entire studio chockfull of a never ending supply of drawing, painting and collage materials that can go with you anywhere!
Oh yes, I am a BIG HUGE fan of this set up! Let me teach you the joys of Procreate.
4 live classes with hands-on instruction
Classes limited to 6 for personalized instruction
Q & A sessions throughout
Time in class to start up your project and bump into issues we can solve live
Plenty of screenshare opportunities both of MY screen and YOURS when appropriate!
Private Facebook group to post progress and share insights
Links to system enhancing resources
Let's make some digital awesomeness together!